25 March 2010

Birds Don't Smile #3 (but they do punk out)

I'll apologize now for what will probably be a continuing series of bird pictures. I haven't been shooting much lately, but what little there is is almost all from Reifel. I've needed the exercise and Reifel is one of the few places I know that I will invariably spend 3-4 hours packing around all my gear. In the past 5 or 6 weeks I've socked away quite a few shots from there, and there are a few decent ones among them. Not to worry, I won't post all of them, just enough to keep thinks going until I get something else worthwhile.

This shot was from this past Tuesday, and it's a juvenile Sandhill Crane that's ruffling it's feathers, giving it a bit of a punked-up look I suppose. While it's someone similar to another shot I posted a while back, I thought it was unique enough that it merited the 'honour'.


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