14 August 2005

Thistle and Green Wasp or is that the Green Hornet?

Whilst on my wanderings through the park I also came across several large thistle patches, where I couldn't resist making use of macro mode. I like this shot the best, thanks to the green wasp, something you just don't seem to see around too often. And I thought the green wasp and purple thistle present an unusual, and pleasant, contrast. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 21 October, 2005 11:17  

This a great photo, and looks like it would belong on the cover of National Geographic. It's centered perfectly, did you crop it with photoshop afterwards?

After my old roomate moved out, he left a lot of his National Geographics, which is pretty cool, but he still has my Fellowship of the Ring book. You'd think itd be a good trade off, but my Fellowship book was pretty old, which I bought at a used book store.

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