07 August 2005

What we were all there to see...

I think this will be the only fireworks shot I'll post - and it's fair to say that it's almost just an obligatory one. For the most part, the shots I got of the light show were, once again, disappointing. That's partly because I wasn't using a tripod, but mostly because the camera needed to expose for too long, which just doesn't work with fireworks. Anyway, it was an extraodinary night in Vancouver, with an incredibly clear night (no moon) and comfortable temperatures for shorts and t-shirts until well after the show was over. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 21 October, 2005 11:30  

I dont go downtown to see the fireworks anymore; there are way to many hammered punks who want to wail on each other, so its nice to see some of it in this photo.

Vanier Park is a nice place to see them, and there are less people.

The last time I went downtown to see the fireworks, I took my camera with me and i was pleased with the way my photos turned out. In retrospect, it would have been neat to take a few shots of the drunks throwing haymakers at each other, but that might have turned their attention to me

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