03 October 2005

Late Season Sunflower

While I was out in search of fall pictures on Saturday, walking around Shaughnessy and generally being disappointed (only because there wasn't much fall in evidence, which wasn't really a bad thing), I wandered through a back alley and came across a sunflower hanging over a back fence. Seems to me that it's a little late in the season, specially since this one doesn't look like the seeds are going to mature. But it made for an interesting macro shot. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 21 October, 2005 09:23  

The last time I worked a shift with you I told you how this photo reminded me of people in a old '50's Chicago train station, and how they're all shuffling through a turnstyle to catch their train. Turnstyle. I'm pretty sure thats what they're called.

When I was really young I spent a lot of time at my grandparent's house in Burnaby. My family didnt have a backyard at the time, but my grandparents did and it was a real treat to hang out there when my parents were at work. I specifically remember my grandmother had planted a huge sunflower in one of those big porceline pots, and I remember it literally towering over me in the sunlight.

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